October, 2024
This is a photo from today, October 18, in Shavano Park. While at my client's house, I noticed his Redbud was blooming and about to go into full bloom mode, based on all the buds. Redbuds bloom in early spring, before the leaves appear. I've NEVER seen one bloom in fall, ever! Very, very unusual!! This is a 'Merlot' Redbud, a cross between the Texas Redbud and Eastern 'Forest Pansy' Redbud which has purple leaves. The leaves on 'Merlot' come out purple and remain so a good part of the year, depending on the amount of sunlight they receive. One of my very favorite trees. Extremely drought tolerant and very striking to look at with the purple leaves. And now this! The only unusual circumstance with this tree that could even possibly explain this fall blooming phenomenon is that it has been watered excessively.
November, 2023
As you may have noticed, our oaks have gone into major acorn production. My hunch is, it's a survival mechanism. This reminds me of the time I brushed by my Cenizo and partially broke off a branch. When I returned a few days later, the little branch was covered in flowers, while the rest of the shrub had none at all. Very interesting!
November, 2022
What a stunning fungus!
I found this on a stump near my back door. Wow!
October, 2022
What a festive looking Snailseed Vine (Cocculus carolinius)! I saw this on N. Olive Street this fall, and it made me think of the holidays.
March, 2022
A tiny speckled egg appeared in my planter. What a nice addition!
August, 2021
This 'Cora' Vinca could hardly be a more perfect specimen and it has grown out of a sidewalk. So beautiful!
July, 2021
Here's a dragonfly perched on the branch of a 'Merlot' Redbud. As I moved to go get my phone, he flew away, but when I returned with my phone, just in case, he too returned, and assumed the same position.
Here's a dragonfly perched on the branch of a 'Merlot' Redbud. As I moved to go get my phone, he flew away, but when I returned with my phone, just in case, he too returned, and assumed the same position.
May, 2021
A tiny nest attached to a Cenizo branch. What an inviting home!
A tiny nest attached to a Cenizo branch. What an inviting home!
January, 2021
December , 2020
Here is a sign from the new Hardberger Park Land Bridge, an amazing feat of engineering, ecology, horticulture and art, benefiting man and animal alike. Wow!
November, 2020
Someone must have been moved by the beauty of this landscape to hang a landscape in it! How strange and haunting!
October, 2020
Notice how the Keep Out sign warns of a recent herbicide application while a pretty native vine is growing vigorously beneath it. This photo was taken a week after the herbicide application.
September, 2020
This is the same plant as the Plant of the Month, American Beautyberry, but it is growing out of a stump and it has white berries! I don't know anyone around here who has a white Beautyberry (Callicarpa americana var. lactea). I also don't know how it survived a Texas summer without supplemental water, while growing in a stump. This is an inspiring plant!
August. 2020
This is the same plant as the Plant of the Month above, Texas Sage. I see a lot of extreme pruning, or sculpting, lately. An interesting option for those who like the look and don't mind the high maintenance. It takes a lot of sustaining, clearly. This native Texas shrub lends itself quite well to pruning, but unlike the other sages all around town right now that are blooming, the buds of these two have been pruned off to maintain the sculpted appearance-a shame! And the free-form personality is gone!
July, 2020
An Anaqua root in the alley behind the house, emerging 115 feet from the mother tree in the front yard.
June, 2020
- A Ruellia doing well between concrete slabs
May, 2020